Definition: Carbon Sink: Natural systems that absorb and store Carbon Dioxide form the atmosphere for an indefinite amount of time unless disturbed.
Having a cleared area around your dwelling makes sense. You can walk out your door and see any danger that may be in your yard. But why do we plant grass. This is an Historical keeping up with the Jones situation. It is believed that the tradition began in Europe. The Aristocracy planted grass in order to use their "yards" for games such as golf, lawn bowling or just walking around. Grass was a status symbol due to the amount of money that was needed for installation, care and upkeep. Fortunately, the somewhat mild, moist climate in Europe enabled grass to grow well. To appear affluent, other people followed this trend. Fast forward to today....The GOOD: A lawn can function as a carbon sink most effectively when the clippings are left on the lawn after mowing. Cleaning up cuts down on the effectiveness. The NOT SO GOOD: The products that are used to maintain a lawn fertilizers, pesticides etc, can be bad for the environment, the equipment used for lawn care produces in most cases releases carbon into the atmosphere. Watering the lawn, wastes fresh water. In addition, lawn grass is not usually a local or native plant. Instead it replaces the types of plants that should be growing in an area. A lawn does not provide living areas or cover for animals /insects. Bio-diversity is decreased. Food is not grown on a lawn. So what is an alternative. Go with native plant species and go natural. No, you don't have to do your entire yard. Start with a small area that you feel comfortable with. The photo on the right shows wildflowers that were left to grow. Pollinators benefit and a native plant is left alone. Trees and shrubs that are found naturally in an area support the types of living creatures big or small that are native to the area. You can create a habitat for Nature around your home instead of flat green space. Planting native fruit trees and berry bushes are both colorful and provide tasty snacks for both you and wildlife. Be ahead of the curve,,,,,,in some areas of Nevada, where water use is an issue, fines are given out to people who grow grass instead of having a :desert friendly" landscape. As the Climate Crisis progresses this may well be a growing why not start now looking at how to use local plants for a natural yard.
The jury is still out on this, but the smart money seems to be on yes. Why? Some of the conditions needed for a tornado to form are moist(humid) air and warm air are on the increase in some areas. To simplify, these conditions can cause strong winds that change with altitude, (wind shear). Worldwide Global Warming is thought to increase the presence of Greenhouse gases which add more energy to the storm and effect thunderstorms which play a role in tornado formation. On 5/16/22 a tornado occurred in New Hampshire. Winds 65-90 were recorded. According to weather records, May 2022 had been UNSEASONABLY Warm and Humid. 5/20/2022 Northern Michigan experienced an EFS3 storm. This was uncommon for this Michigan area as Lake Michigan generally absorbs the climate energy needed for a storm of this magnitude to occur. Michigan has recorded aprox. 1.000 tornadoes since 1951, few in the northern part of the state the last severe storm recorded was in 1998. At least three factors are being observed in relation to tornado activity. 1 Tornado Season is shifting, and storms are beginning to occur as early as Nov-Feb. The season is shifting from later Spring/Summer. 2. There has been a notable increase in tornados that occur at night. The nighttime tornados are considered to be more severe, and 3. Location of Storms.: The National Weather Service reports that fewer storms are occurring across the Great Plains or "Tornado Alley" and the storms that do occur in the Nebraska-Texas area have begun to consistently form at least a week earlier that had been the norm. Tornadoes are increasing in the Southeast, Midwest and Northeast. The hypothesis (educated guess) for this includes Global Warming related changes in the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream is an ocean current that flows from the Gulf of Mexico bringing warm water to colder Atlantic Ocean. Global warming is thought to be responsible for melting polar ice caps. This effects the Gulf Stream which increases the temperature of the ocean in its path. The trickle-down effect is that air masses and air currents are effected and change as well. This causes unstable weather. Louisianna, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, and the Carolinas are now hot spots for tornado activity. In April 2020, 4 EFS4 tornados occurred within a 20 mile radius in Miss. in one week. In 2022 a staggering 76 tornados occurred in Miss. between 3/22-4/17/2022. In April 2020 Hampton County S.C. had its first EFS4 tornado on record. Most of us have seen photos of devastation caused by tornadoes. Is that enough to make you think about what you can do to reduce your carbon footprint to slow Global Warming. Rember Carpooling to work/school? Is this something you can or would do? Yes, to get a carpool system up and running does require some thought and maybe some small sacrifice of perceived independence. Can you grocery shop with a neighbor or friend? Can people carpool to all those meeting that are held to discuss Climate Crisis issues? Or hold them via computer? Doing a little is better than standing by and watching.
In 1971 Tetsuya Fujita in collaboration with Allen Pearson developed the F (Fujita) scale. This scale rates wind speeds based on observed damage caused by the storm. It is as follows: 0=40-70 mph-,weak 1=73-112mph weak, 2= 113-157 mph strong, 3=158-206 mph strong, 4=207-260 violent, 5=260-318 violent. The scale was later refined and released 2/1/ 2007 as the EFS (Enhanced Fujita Scale) The enhanced scale incorporates factors of Damage Indicators (DI) and Degrees of Damage (DOD) to determine the intensity of a storm. The revised scale bases wind speed on damage done to more types of structures and vegetation as well as taking construction quality in consideration. The EFS incorporates 28 DIs ranging from small barns and out buildings to Institutional buildings such as hospitals. Each DI is assigned a DOD. The EFS is as follows: 0=65-85mph (minor), 1=86-110mph(moderate), 2=111-135mph(considerable), 3=136-165 mph(severe), 4=166-200(extreme), 5=over 200mpn (Catastrophic). (level of damage)
Imagine the positive and immediate impact on the environment if all vehicles were driven at the most efficient speed. Driving speed and fuel use/emissions are directly related and this is one area of reducing your Greenhouse Gas footprint that you have total daily control over. First the physics ....the faster an object, in this case a gas powered vehicle moves, the greater the "drag" . To clarify, the faster something moves the harder "air" pushes back so in order to maintain the increased rate of movement, more energy (fuel) is needed to move forward.. Makes sense, right. The US Environmental Agency (EPA) has done studies related to speed and fuel efficiency (Smart Way Program). The studies done by the EPA yielded the same basic results as other studies done on the same topic, with some differences due to make/model of vehicle , driving conditions, road conditions ,etc. The summary of studies: Increasing driving speed by 1 mph (mile per hour) reduces fuel economy by .1 mpg(Mile per gallon) of fuel. OK that is not a large number BUT as speed increases so does the loss of fuel efficiency (like compounded interest on your savings account math) and increase in Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Driving between 35-45 mph is about the most efficient for many vehicles, however the speed of 55 mph is thought to be the best compromise between speed and efficiency. At 60 mph efficiency is 3% less, at 65 mph it is 8% less, at 70 mph it is 17% less, and at 75mph it is 23% less. Quite a difference we have here. In 2021 it was reported that oil consumption in the USA was at 19.8 million barrels A DAY. Really BIG numbers. Not all of this is used in cars however, any and all reduction in fossil fuel use is a good thing. Dropping down to 55mph can be an adjustment. Use Cruise control if you have it. Or just pay close attention. Yes, as first it may feel like you could walk to your destination faster. BUT resist the urge to speed up.
DRIVE 55, you can do it!! Help slow the Global Warming Climate Crisis EVERY DAY.
The basic facts are similar enough to be valid. be Fuel use increases with increased speed. For example: A person with a 25 mile commute to work. Not unusual, right. A research study indicated that by slowing down from 80 mph, also not unusual to 55mph, the driver would arrive less than 10 minutes later to work and would save nearly 30% in energy use/cost. Does every study have variables or factors that effect the outcome ? Yes. But the findings all support the concept that due to the laws of physics moderate driving speed is better for the environment and now better for your wallet!
Your Energy Company is NOT responsible for the Brown Outs that occur , particularly in warm seasons...Everyone who uses ENERGY is Responsible. In order to avoid total shutdown or Blackouts Energy distributors must resort to cutting back on Energy supplies as their systems begin to reach to overload point. Although accounts do vary , on average at home Energy use from highest to lowest is:
Heating/Air Conditioning: as much as 46% of home consumption is here. ***If you/family member have medical condition/special needs follow DR.s orders.******(IN EVERY EXAMPLE) If not, the U.S. Dept. of Energy suggests the following guidelines Set your heat at 68 degrees, and lower it at night. This will result in a 1% savings for each degree set back . This may require some lifestyle changes. Like wearing pants at home during the Winter...not shorts and putting on a sweater instead of turning up the thermostat. Underlayers have come a long way since the puffy 1960s versions, and are now thin, comfortable and most of all insulating. In addition check online for tips to ensure your house is as energy efficient as possible and affordable for you. Air Conditioning: The recommendation is 78degrees, this is still 20 degrees below average body temperature. The concept is to take the edge off the high temp/humidity outside. If you find yourself wearing a sweater and long pants at home in the summer, chances are good you are using too much Air Conditioning, Summer is when you wear shorts in the house. If you find that you need to wear a jacket in your favorite store or restaurant...BE THAT PERSON who nicely brings this to the attention of the manager. Chances are everyone else is too cold as well. You want the edge taken off not be frozen out. Speak up at work as well.
Water Heating: Use hot water like you are paying a lot for it, because you are. You know the drill, shorter showers, which have the benefit of slowing age related dry skin, fill the washing machine, run the dishwasher when full not 1/2 full. You hear this information repeatedly because it is true. Typically at least 15% of your energy bill is spent on hot water. That means $15 for every $100 is going down the drain. Not a good investment.
Appliances: Refrigerators, stoves, dryers, coffee makers hair dryers, and so on. Typically if an item produces heat or movement it consumes more energy than items that don't. Look on line for tips on how to use appliances efficiently. According to some research appliance use can be about 13% of your Energy use. This money may not be going out the window... you'll never see it again.
Lighting: Almost shocking, about 9-10% of Energy use. But don't let that stop you from turning off the light when you leave a room. Again, there is power in numbers...saving Energy here leaves more for where and when it is needed.
TV/Computers/Entertainment: Rated at about 3-5% of home energy use. One key here is to turn them off when not in use. And some items continue to draw Energy when left plugged in. In order to protect your investment before you leave it unplugged be sure that it is ok. You don't want to wipe out the work you spent hours on when you unplug your computer the wrong way. If you are not using an extension cord..unplug it.
Saving Energy use at home by making some lifestyle changes can in fact make a big impact both on yearly Energy related expenses and on reducing the need for Brown Outs or possible Blackouts caused by over use. The idea is to look at what you can do with what you have now. If you can afford to or have the desire to , there have been significant updates make in the area of Home Energy products that may be something to look into. However, that is not for everyone, so take an honest look at your Home Energy use. What can you change to save both money and Energy, As an old BUT True saying goes "You can't spend the same dollar twice" Dollars spent on Energy are not a great investment usually other than temporary convivence. Remember the hot water... it just goes.down the drain. The same applies to our Energy..... SAVE as Much as you can.
Disclaimer: The focus of this Website is Environmental Education. It is NOT Political. A refugee, by definition is one who flees, the rest of the definition according to the Webster Dictionary states: esp. from an attacked city or from political oppression. Most of us are familiar with the horrors and suffering associated with Refugee Status. Now take Webster's definition a step further, to include one who flees because their land has become unlivable, or even disappeared altogether and is now underwater. What if, in this case your plight is because Global Warming caused the sea levels to rise and swallow your homeland. And who is responsible and how will they help you? Across the Globe, how many people are coming to your aid by voluntarily doing whatever they can to reduce their Carbon Footprint, and work towards reversing the Climate Crisis? (Maybe a little Political here) Frequently there is talk of 3rd Word Nations and Societies. Could a more realistic thought be that there is only one world, and the people on it adapt to their environment and culture. Does the person who lives in the Rainforest really need a big brick house with 4.5 baths and a built-in swimming pool? Probably not so much. Human cultures vary widely but all have adaptive brilliantly to the environment they live in. A lot of noise is made about SOME areas having problems caused by rising sea levels. But what about those people who are at genuine risk of losing their homes BUT DON'T GARNER MUCH GLOBAL Attention. Tiny Island Nations that you may or may not even know of. But does that diminish the magnitude of the issue and potential for human disaster? Or the Population's Right to remain on home soil? Some of the most endangered are: Pacific Ocean, Kiribati, Tuvalu, the Marshall Islands and Indian Ocean: the Maldives. Get a map...look for them and remember other people, just like you live there. Problems have begun to occur as salt seawater is mixing with the fresh ground water making farming impossible. Land is disappearing underwater. Imagine trying to pull into your driveway and the place where you and your family lived for generations was....GONE. Where would you go. How could you afford this emotionally, in relation to your Cultural Identity and knowledge and financially.
Other sections of this site offer suggestions concerning some steps that could easily be taken by most people that when added up have some chance of making a positive impact towards mitigating Global Warming. Please review them and put at least something into practice. Rember: what happens to other people can also happen to you. Be a part of the Global Community cut back on your Carbon Footprint. The home you save may someday be your own.
And read the book: Retreat from a Rising Sea ....see sidebar for details.
This section is inspired by and with information from the book: Retreat from a Rising Sea Hard Choices in an Age of Climate Change. Written by Orrin H. Pilkey, Linda Pilkey-Jarvis, Keith Pilkey.
Chapter 9. The Cruelest Wave Climate Refugees Please see more books by Dr. Pilkey et al on page one, listed under Read One of These.
Really. The books are well written enough to be easy to read. Not Science over your head I'm so smart type of writing. Down to Earth. The writing conveys a true sense of concern for both the Planet and the People that live on it.
The first photo was taken in April 2022, the second and third photos were taken very close to the end of June 2022. First, why is corn an important crop. People can eat it. If it is not your favorite vegetable, chances are good that the milk in the ice cream you may enjoy or the Pork sausage you had for breakfast was made possible because corn is grown as food for animals that produce such products. Corn syrup is used in a large variety of food products, and corn can be used to produce biofuel and some plastic like materials. So, a breakdown in corn production can have a long reaching domino effect. To be optimistic, not all of the corn fields in Wayne Ct., N.Y. are doing as poorly as the ones shown, some are doing quite well. HOWEVER, based on over 30 years of personal observation, fields with notable barren patches are on the increase. Spaces of unsuccessful plant growth are a common sight. And if all of the bare patches were connected together...the loss of successful corn may be considered a "problem" So, what is going on. It would be reasonable to suspect a variety of factors are at work. One, increasingly heavy precipitation in the region. (Photo 1) Seeds wash away or rot in the ground before germination (sprouting) can occur. Wet fields delay planting, and as a result the growing season. This increase in precipitation has been linked to Global Warming and the Climate Crisis. Next, Erratic fluctuations in temperatures. For example. (Wayne County) April 1,2022, 45 degrees F, April 6, 62 degrees F, April 10, 40 degrees F, April 13, 80 degrees F, April 16, 48 degrees F, April 19, 39 degrees F, April 25, 80 degrees F. May 2022, First week high 50-low60s degrees F. Second week Began at 65 degrees F ended at 83 degrees F. On May 19, 60 degrees F and on May 21, 89 degrees F. June was a bit more stable, however on the 4th, 9th and 18th the high was 65 degrees F alternating with 7 days at 80-87 degrees F. A lot of numbers to take in. Very confusing for the plants as well. Why does the temperature mater? Plants unlike humans are not warm blooded. They rely on the environment for optimum growing conditions. When temperatures are stable plants grow better. Some plants begin to produce blossoms or "go to seed" when their environment becomes warm. When a drop in temperatures occurs the blossoms drop off, reducing overall production. For most seeds including corn, the ground should remain at a consistent temperature for germination to occur. These fluctuations in daily temperatures are the "weather" conditions, likely caused by Global Warming and Climate Crisis, that lead to an overall change in the Climate of an area. So, what if these photos show the tip of the iceberg of a change in the Upstate N.Y. climate, which will turn an agricultural area into one where few crops can grow and flourish. Will a gallon of milk cost $20 in the future because the crops needed to feed cows become scarce? Or this what the very beginning of conditions that lead to famine look like. Do you really want to wait to find out?
Farm wisdom dictates that a for a successful crop yield a corn plant should be "Knee High by the Fourth of July"
On average a corn plant needs 155 "good growing days" to develop from planted seed to mature, harvestable plant. That is 5 months give or take. So, it is reasonable that farmers would want to get the corn planted asap in the Spring in order to avoid Fall frost damage. Planting corn requires soil that is not saturated with water and a soil temp. of 60-65 degrees (F) and stable temperatures.
Did you know.........Corn and grass are plant cousins!
A final thought...In your area are the 4 Seasons blending together? Do you find that if you did but your Winter garments in storage and take out your warm weather items that the time to do this is not as clear as it once was? A quick review of the Wayne County, N.Y. temps recorded April-June 2022 supports that it is not your imagination. Good to know, right.
Please continue to reduce your carbon footprint to fight Global Warming and fend off the Climate crisis. Plant a tree, walk, bike, don't drive when you can, air dry clothes, stop using disposables, reduce need for production: hand me downs are OK. Carpool, get to know your coworkers! Turn down your heat and air conditioning. And educate DOWN YOUR PHONE and LOOK AT HOW YOR ENVIROMENT IS SUFFERING......(Thank you)
Definition: Lagoon: A body of water that is separated from a larger body of water by a physical barrier, such as a sand bar, reef, or other natural structure.
Adriatic Sea: The upper most arm of the Mediterranean Sea, a body of water that separates the Italian Peninsula from the Balkan Peninsula.
Venice: A North Italian city, famous for gondolas, canals, the play: Merchant of Venice by W. Shakespear, A city seemingly built on water. The area has about 118 islands, connected by canals. The buildings are not constructed on these islands. Read on to see just what they are built on. And why Global Warming is a THREAT to this very marvelous human creation.
What we now call the City of Venice, represents humans' ability to adapt to the most challenging conditions.
When did construction begin? Around the year 4oo AD (that is correct not 1400) people began to move into the lagoon area, now called Venice. They did not build on the marsh islands but instead drove over A MILLION tree trunks into the soft ground until a solid bottom was found. Once the poles were in place the builders began to construct platforms on them. It is on these platforms that building began. The wooden poles and platforms did not rot away because they were under water, not exposed to oxygen and the composition of the water preserved them to this day. WOW! Please try to imagine that no modern construction equipment was available in these years. All of the building material such as trees had to be imported to the area.
Due to the location the City grew and prospered. Beautiful buildings were created. Art and Culture flourished. Venice became an Internation cosmopolitan center.
So what is the connection to Global Warming? The Rising Sea level. It is predicted that if the Climate Crisis continues by the year 2100 AD the City of Venice will be under water. GONE.
The area has historically experienced periods of high water (Aqua Alta) during some tides. However, that usually been a few feet above normal and receded quickly.
In the past 20 years 5 record floods have occurred. In 2018 ,70% of the area was covered by water. The second highest water level, since water levels have been tracked was recorded in 2019.
The water level in the Adriatic Sea has risen 5.5 inches since the year 1900. The elevated and sustained water level does the predictable water damage, but also has begun to erode the very foundations of the buildings in Venice. Will the people of Venice also become Climate Crisis refugees?
What about Flood Gates? In response to the rising sea level/flooding, gates have been installed in an attempt to control the water level and stop the ongoing destruction. These has been successful on a small scale. THE DOWNSIDE: the floodgates prevent the natural flow of dirt and silt into the area. Both are necessary to maintain the integrity of the mash land and the ground beneath the city will begin to disappear without it.
For thousands of years monuments which underscore the human ability to create have existed. However, due to environmental factors such as high level of air pollution, flooding, and Climate Crisis related storms and erratic weather conditions have done more damage to these iconic structures than had been done in the sometimes thousands of years since they had been constructed.
Is preserving the Human Legacy enough to make you act to take steps to reduce your carbon footprint. NOW
Strangely enough, yes it is. All of human culture is your heritage. According to research, the DNA ,( the basic building block of life) for ALL humans is a staggering 99.9% identical. Easy math to do....while yes, a strand of DNA is highly complex, the fact is we are all more than 99% the same. Have you ever had a total stranger tell you that you look just like someone they know. Well, you probably do with some slight differences,
We all have more in common that we have differences. It stands to reason that (and to violate the quote made during the first steps on the moon) Accomplishments made by any human or group of humans represent accomplishments for the entire human race . What happens to these accomplishments....effects us all. When on accomplishment is lost or destroyed, we all lose out.
In addition, no, modern people are not smarter than "cave people" were. Our tools are different and more complex. BUT to get to where we are (for better or worse) we have throughout the ages built upon the skills, accomplishments and tools passed down from the people who lived before us.
The Documentary "Secrets of the Castle" demonstrates this. Worth watching. You will see a 13th Century Castle being constructed in France. The Archeologists
who created this project are using ONLY techniques and materials that were available in this time period. It seems logical that the workers would have learned some skills from maybe the people that built the great monuments in Ancient Egypt.
The Human Family has passed down information from one generation and location to another for thousands of years. Time to respect our Family's Accomplishments. When collective knowledge is lost it is usually gone for good.
It is not unusual for summer to be warm/hot. But have we reached the point when Summer weather is more DANGEROUS than FUN? Seems maybe so. Recent News reports indicate dangerously high and sustained temperatures not only in the U.S.A., but worldwide. Not uncomfortable weather but dangerous weather. For example, during the week of July 18, 2022, 60 million people or roughly 20% of the U.S. population experienced temperatures of 100degrees F. or above. Scientific research is beginning to find that while yes, the human body can adjust to a variety of environmental conditions doing so may take longer than had been previously thought, and it may be that the environment is heating up faster than our bodies can adjust. The result of this unpresented, extended heat has led to a variety of disasters. Human Life: Throughout the U.S. and the world an upswing in heat related loss of human life is increasing. Heat related problems include increased and dangerous wildfires, death from heat related illness such as dehydration, heat stroke to name a few, lack of clean drinking water, famine due to crop and livestock failure, storms caused by unstable weather, Between April 4-6 ,2022 several Southern U.S. states experienced 100 tornadoes, one being F4 (see tornado section). In the past 5 years 17.8 BILLION dollars in weather related damage including loss of life has been reported. This is the highest to date. Lake Mead, a large lake adjacent to the Hoover dam has dried up. Hailstorms which shower baseball size ice have occurred. (Hail is a strange weather phenomenon which frequently occurs in hot unstable weather and pieces of ice rather that water fall) In the U.S. we have many cities that line our shores. These cities which are usually man-made unnatural surfaces such as pavement or concrete, store rather than release heat, making living conditions dangerous for the populations. Trees have been cut down to make room for development when they are needed for shade and air cleaning. No more cool ocean breezes to keep people safe. One of the defenses that has been developed is artificial cooling, such as air conditioning. Great idea, however, the current need creates power brown/black outs when the grid is overused. This creates more problems.
What is the solution? Cool things down. Take all the steps that you can to reduce your Carbon Footprint. Help save lives. The Climate Crisis is REAL and is becoming SERIOUS not just inconvenient.
Keep up with World News not the Local events and the trend will be evident.
Or why is dehydration dangerous. Water/liquids make up a high percent of the human body. One of the functions of the water/fluids in the body is to ensure that the organs, muscles and nervous system are supplied with sufficient ELECTROLITES to ensure proper functioning. An Electrolyte, in simple terms is a mineral which conducts electricity when dissolved in water. WHAT, we run on electricity? In a way, yes. Our body uses messages sent via Electrical Current to function properly. When dehydration occurs, we do not have the proper fluid/electrolyte combination for the messages to be sent out and damage, or death can occur. When the body get hot, we sweat. This is a first line of defense to cool the body by putting moisture onto the skin. If the fluid lost by sweating is not replaced, dehydration can occur. SIGNS of DEHYDRATION: Headache/confusion, feeling irritable, fatigue, feeling dizzy, dry mouth, elevate heart rate with low blood pressure, loss of appetite but with sugar craving, flushed skin, bowel/urinary issues. Many drinks are sold to replace electrolytes, foods such as sweet potatoes and bananas are a good source as well, The BEST solution however is to avoid the problem in the first place. KEEP HYDRATED. DRINK PLENTY of WATER. If you don't feel well pay attention and get help.
Collectively Americas drive a 3.2 BILLION miles a year. Research indicates that on average people drive 29 miles a day and spend 55 minutes behind the wheel. Remember this number is the average, which is determined by adding up all the miles driven and dividing by the numbers of drivers. Traveling back and forth to work is a high in racking up miles. Historically people lived fairly close to their work place, however Surburban spread and reasonable gas prices enable people to move further. Cars will bells and whistles made an hour or more drive to work bearable. Long commutes have become the norm. Good for the Environment? Not so much , as millions of miles of pollution including carbon is being pumped into the environment as a result. Muti lane roads have been built to meet the needs of commuters. Concrete/blacktop hold heat, prevent natural absorption of water and the materials emit harmful chemicals. But you have a family to feed and need to work. Depending on the economic environment where you live, this may not be a choice. Another reason for all this driving is Shopping. What ever happened to the neighborhood grocery store? In many urban areas people may live 2-4 miles from a Grocery Store. Even with Public Transportation available, weekly shopping for a family can present a hardship that is overcome by driving to the store. There are usually few Neighborhood stores that could be called Grocery not Snack stores. Is it time to bring them back.? Probably yes. Imagine the positive environmental impact if a person could walk up their block and purchase fresh food instead of driving several miles each way. Multiply this by millions of people. The further away from an urban area the more miles traveled to shop. In many areas of the U.S. the local "downtown" is made up of empty storefronts. People in the Suburbs and Rural areas can no longer shop locally for food and other goods, but instead drive much further to regional "Supercenters" People can no longer take a short drive into town to purchase items. Supercenters put those stores out of business. An experiment done in a rural area in upstate NY, yielded the finding that the average round trip to a small/basic store where fresh food could be purchased was a 23-mile round trip. That is to the basic store. To travel to a well-stocked Super Center may be a 30-40 mile round trip. Again multiply that time millions of people. Does this need to be? If you do have to travel to shop are you willing to plan all your purchases can be made on one trip? Are you willing to support what is left of smaller local stores that are closer to you home? Can you plan your shopping around your drive to and from work so an extra trip isn't needed. Can you carpool shop with a neighbor? Are you willing to work with your local government to increase opportunities for local downtowns full of stores instead of empty businesses? Create a sense of Local Community. It has been said that the Automobile creates a sense of independence and freedom. It certainly does. But at what cost? We have a Climate Crisis at hand. Are you willing to give up just a little bit of that sense "Independence"?
First An interesting and very thought-provoking Documentary...on streaming TV.
The Secret Life of the Cruise.
Tons of use of natural resources?? Good way to fight the Climate Crisis??
Watch and you decide. Multiply these events times thousands of trips. To what degree do we need to learn that some personal sacrifice MUST begging to take place to reduce our carbon footprint and fight the Climate Change.
Next: Please keep up on the NEWS the environment is fighting back. Drought, storms, floods, disease, dangerous invasive animals able to live in expanded habitats due to warmer climates. Keep an eye out. Future postings will focus on more detailed discussion. It is happening all around us and human lives are being lost.
Are the types of indulgences discussed in the Documentary mentioned worth all this. The choice is yours.
Now I'm currently nursing an arm injury.
ALAWAYS stop when using power equipment when you even begin to feel you are becoming tired. This is NOT the time for "just one more"
Am currently recovering from an arm injury sustained by NOT following this advice. This resulted in a chainsaw cut to the arm. Thanks to the talented staff at Newark NY emergency room all will be well with only a scar as a reminder to use COMMON SENSE. See photo. Only looks like a toy.
Thus, small, short update. And in the meantime. KEEP UP WITH THE NEWS, watch the documentary and give so thought to how you spend your leisure time. Are you helping or huring our planet?
Thank you for understanding.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Photo shows Alge bloom in Wayne County. N.Y. as illustration of bloom only. This water was NOT tested for presence of TOXINS. This water shown is as thick as Pea Soup and a very bad odor Not a good neighbor. Beach Closed signs. People and animals becoming sick and tragically dying from toxic Alge in food or water, dead zones occurring in the waterways, fish die offs. Sadly, something we are hearing about with increased frequency. In the past several years all of the Finger Lakes, as well as areas along Lake Ontario have had periods of being closed due to toxic blooms. A factor contributing to this is GLOBAL WARMING. along with other human activity. First some definitions: Alge: Group of Eukaryotic organisms (Composed of Nuclei or center, with Organelles, structures that perform specific tasks) able to perform oxygenic photosynthesis and obtain organic carbon from solar energy. (Ability to produce carbon-based material from inorganic or non-carbon-based using energy from the sun simply put) Carbon based us! Fun Fact: Recent research has found that Algae may not only be over a billion years old as a species and ancient algae may be responsible for developing the process of photosynthesis used by plants today to create their food. Bacteria: single celled organisms. Can have capacity to multiply rapidly. Kill/damage cells in other living things which can result in organ damage or death of host by releasing toxins as they grow and or decompose. Bacteria associated with Toxic Blooms has been found to lead to the development of Neurological disorders such as Parkinson's Disease, damage or destroy vital organs, and attack the Nervous system, brain included. A Frightening bit of research has indicated that boiling effected water may NOT make it safe to consume. So HOW DOES THIS WORK? Algal Toxins are released into the water when the Algae decays or degrades .The Toxins are made up of Bacteria. In addition the Oxygen level in the water is reduced during this process, creating additional problems. When Algae is present in a large amount such as a BLOOM, the toxin levels increase significantly. 1. CYNASNOBACTERIA 2. DINOFLAGELLATES 3. DIATOMS are problematic. Some are called Blue Green or Bight Green Blooms but remember testing is the only sure way to ensure safety. What other Human Activities contribute to the problem? Algae Blooms are stimulated by a number of factors including fertilizer and animal waste run off into waterways, land development near waterways, thermal pollution near powerplants, Climate Crisis induced drought lowering water levels which increases water temperatures, increasing numbers of invasive species which feed on native species that eat algae preventing overgrowth, Climate Crisis related floods that carry pollutants into waterways, Climate Crisis induced increase in number and intensity of storm activity that bring nutrients to the surface to increase algae growth. Research indicates that in many areas the water temperature has increased (point) .34 degrees Celsius per decade between 1985 and 2009... This enables a longer productive season as well as a northern spread of many types of algae. Due to Global Warming a 20% increase in Blooms is expected over the upcoming century. Algae is one tough cookie, It has been around for a long long time and is not going anywhere soon. It is up to us to control the factors that create poison in our water. Always use caution. It may no be safe anymore to fill you water bottle from a stream or pond when you are on a hike, or to go for a swim in the small local water hole. Think about that. Next Topic: Algae Blooms Not Only a Fresh Water Problem
Red Tide is a generic term used to describe Harmful Algae Blooms that occur in the Oceans. The name stems from the fact that during a bloom the water may turn RED, however the bloom may also be other colors such as green or brown. What happens? See side bar. Ocean Algal blooms have been recorded for hundreds of years. However, research suggests that since at least 1982 Global warming has contributed to creating increasingly large comfort zones for algae growth, particularly along the North Atlantic and Northwest Pacific area. This increase in water temperature along with other human generated factors has created larger, longer lasting and more widespread Toxic blooms. The Gulf of Florida has begun to experience blooms that have begun to significant negative effects on not only humans but the area wildlife including fish, birds and mammals. Humans are effected by RED TIDES as follows: Ingestion of seafood that is infected with toxic bacteria can result in serious illness which may have permanent life changing problems or even death. It has been found that people exposed to areas where RED TIDE is found may experience problems of the breathing process. In addition, the stench generated by the toxic water may make living nearby very uncomfortable. Of less significance is the fact that millions of dollars are being lost annually due to poisoned seafood that cannot be harvested or sold. Pets that are exposed to toxic water may become sick or die. If you look up "Images" of Red Tide online you may be amazed that the water in severe cases does indeed turn red.
So how can you help? First: Keep in mind that the toxins in Harmful Algae Blooms in the oceans have cost people their lives, So this issue must be taken seriously. If research is indicating that the HABs are increasing in size and length partly because of factors caused by HUMANS. (SEE SIDE BAR) In addition keep in mind that a great deal of our FOOD SUPPLY comes from the OCEAN.
Think about how you contribute to the problem..........what are you willing to give up. What we are losing is a safe source of food, many forms of Marine Life are at risk for extinction, We are facing BEACH CLOSE signs on a more frequent basis, and the quality of life for people living near HAB is degrading. What are you willing to give up to contribute to reducing the trend of increasing HAB in our OCEANS. According to the fossil records Algae has been here long before us.....will it be here long after us as well?
Toxins are poisons. Toxins associated with Red Tide are : Alexandrium and Dinophysis. In addition to the production of toxins, HAB cause a reduction of Oxygen in the water as the algae decomposes or decays. Why does this matter, if the decomposing algae is not toxic. Fish and other sea life breath Oxygen. Not from the air like land life, sea life gets their oxygen supply from the WATER they live in. When the oxygen level of the water goes down, the sea life dies.
The following HUMAN actions have been noted to increase HAB : 1. Chemical run off from farming/factories, compounds are being poured into our oceans which fuel the growth of Algae. 2. Sewage Run off into oceans, rather self explanatory. The increase in Global Warming storm activity has increased the rate at which this occurs, in addition the significant increase in development for living along coastal areas also has drastically increased this problem 3. Increased Global Warming activity has been linked to increased winds and changing air flow patterns, this promotes the stirring of algae friendly nutrients from the lower depths as well as warmer water areas to increase. Algae's stomping ground is growing.
The Beginning: An Invasive Grape Vine starting to grow on land next to a parking lot.
Next Season: The Vine is having a great year. The tree, well not so much. That was QUICK
Yes there is a lot of information available that tells us how trees help clean the air, provide shade to keep ground surfaces cool, and a host of other functions. BUT have you ever thought about a very important thing that trees do. and that is to provide us with FOOD. While money doesn't grow on trees a large number of the foods that we eat certainly do.
Climate changes due to Global warming has resulted in tree killing droughts, floods, temper changes, storm that uproot and kill trees, rains that drown them, creating climate conditions that support invasive species which choke native species. No the Climate Crisis/Global Warming is NOTTREE? FOOD SUPPLY FREINDLY.
Well this is self explanatory, many foods that we eat everyday in either their natural state or after being processed grow on trees. THINK about it. And today with the focus on more PLANT based diet options, nutrition from trees is on the risk, Products such as Almond and Coconut milk are now everyday things that we see at the Grocery Store. We wouldn't have Orange Juice without trees! Try to imagine Most Fruit grows on trees. And so on. Other things such as Capers grow on evergreen trees! Nuts grow on trees. And Nut butters are becoming another common item at the grocery store, replacing peanut butter. HOW DIDTHIS GET LEFT OUT????COFFEE BEANS grown on trees!! Imagine that! The list of food and food related products that we are given to us from trees is exhaustive. The role that trees play in our survival can not be underestimated. Take a moment and think about where the food you ate this week came from.
Animals also depend on TREES as a source of FOOD. Deer, squirrels, monkeys, birds, lizards are just a few examples. While the typical American diet seems to have shifted to a more Industrial Farm based meat supply, millions of people around the world think otherwise. Without trees that produce the food for such creatures many people would not have a dietary protein source.
To produce food trees generally depend on BEES for pollination. So where possible make your living area BEE friendly. Don't cut down trees unless you must, something in the environment is using a part of the as a food source or home. Help trees. The tree pictured above are on Privately owned commercial land As you can see the landlord does not seem concerned that a tree is being choked. Do you feel comfortable contacting you local leaders and requesting that they work towards changing this. Trees can not help themselves. STOP and THINK IF WE DON"T PLANT and TAKE CARE OF OUR TREE POPULATION WHERE WILL OUR FUTURE FOOD SUPPLY COME FROM Encourage your community to PLANT TREES. Reduce your Carbon footprint to keep the Environment Friendly for the growth of trees. We would likely face a famine situation without them.
Years ago, and advertising executive put the words wash, rinse repeat on his company's shampoos in order to encourage the consumer to use more product thus increasing sales. The plan worked beautifully for the company in spite of the FACT that there is no actual data supporting this direction. Actually, current research notes that once is enough thank you. So, let's talk about what we use on our bodies and how every day each one of us may be contributing to the Climate Crisis, without even realizing it! Even if it only a small contribution, we should try to remember small things add up to big things. So, treading carefully here..... Have you ever looked at the ingredients in that are in the grooming products that you use? Can you pronounce them? Did you know that unless a product states that it is VEGAN that it likely contains ANIMAL by products such as UREA, (you can figure out what that would be derived from) , or another Big one is Hyaluronic Acid (may be found in joints and connective tissues of animals unless stated it is synthetically created and VEGAN. BTW VEGAN= contains no Animal products. Personal care products may also contain a stew of chemicals. Petroleum jelly (Brand name starts with V) Well take a guess what that is created from, Mineral Oil, a product created from Minerals or petroleum., not plant based. To date the Personal Care Product Industry is regulated to insure we are not getting lead in our eyeshadow, however overall, it is fairly loosely regulated. Companies frequently make carefully worded claims to boast sales. In reality, it is fairly unlikely that an after shave will get you the partner of your dreams or that any face cream will make a 50-year-old look 20, only Photoshop can do that. However, what all these fancy products WILL do is 1. Cost you money 2. Get washed down the drain at the end of the day and end up in our water supply, oceans and landfills.3. Create environmental issues when produced and packaged. Because of their molecular make up they don't break down, instead they remain as non-natural objects in the natural environment. Same idea as PLASTICS. Almost 9 MILLION people live in New York City. Think of how much Personal Care products from shampoo to soap to make up to artificial nails and face and body creams and so on get tossed or washed into the environment each HOUR from this source alone. A report indicated that in the City of London there is now an Island of personal care wipes blocking the Thames River. Flushable, yes, biodegradable not so much. Necessary, probably not. SO WHAT CAN YOU DO? Well take shorter showers, save water. That is easy. NOT AS EASY, EVALUATE YOUR PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS. Do you really need all that or are you listening to the company selling it telling you that you do? EDUCATE YOURSELF: What does the label say? Is a more environmentally friendly version an option? For example, can you use an Organic essential oil to smell nice instead of a chemical-based perfume? HOW MUCH DO YOU REALLY NEED? Our personal care products are causing environmental issues bit by bit when and how they are produced, what they are produced with and lastly where they end up once we have used them. Thank you. AND THINK ABOUT IT...........IS THERE EVEN ONE THING YOU CAN CHANGE?
1.Heat reduction 2.Air Pollution reduction 3.Energy Emissions reduction 4.Water Quality improvement 5.Flooding reduction 6.Noise reduction 7.Protection from Ultra Violet Radiation 8.Add Beauty.9.Wildlife habitat. 10.. Can prevent erosion. Plant a tree!!!!
Available on Amazon and Kindle!
Why is this new book important?
1. The Title is self-explanatory.
2. The Author: Dr. Pilkey . Since 1987 Dr, Pilkey has won awards recognizing his work in the area of Enviromental Science. A Professor Emeritus, Duke University. In recognition of his work Duke University named the Duke Marine Laboratory in North Carolina in his honor. He has written numerous books and appeared in environmental documentaries. (Check Wiki for an expanded list of accomplishments) One important factor separates Dr. Pilkey from the current spate of Enviromental Authors. The books are written in a very informative, accurate easy to read style . It is possible to ENJOY the read not feel like you are taking a boring and hard science class that you can't wait for the bell to ring so the class is over..(no offense to Science teachers everywhere, just saying (: It is more likely you will actually read and act on information that is presented in an understandable fashion. That is IMPORTANT. It won't sit around collecting dust. Disclaimer: No put down or negativity aimed towards ANYONE who is doing something about the Climate Crisis by trying to Educate the Public. Write On! The more the merrier And Thank you for your efforts.
This book will make you think of damage that is being done to our environment in ways that you see on a regular basis but don't realize the full impact. of what is going on. Get it......Read it...THINK about what you are reading. Look around your own environment. What can you take away from this book that will help our planet and the people that live on it? He is not new to the game so take the opportunity to benefit from a player with decades of experience. Seriously.
Scroll down for additional books from Dr. Pilkey.
DECEMBER is a month of Holidays to many people. Hanukah, Christmas, Eid al-Adha, Kwanza, Winter Solstice, to name only a few. An idea for a new tradition to celebrate your Holiday and Celebrate and help the Earth. Many store now see live Evergreen Trees planted in containers full of dirt. Instead of purchasing a disposable item for you Holiday purchase a live tree instead. Any size. Remember the decorations can be removed and replace with something that represents you. These trees usually survive nicely outside long after December. THE NEW TRADITION: When the weather in your area warms up and the ground has thawed, set aside a day to PLANT the TREE in the ground. For example , to celebrate Easter, Passover, Juneteenth, Ramadan, Spring Equinox Earth Day, or what ever fits and is accepted by your culture.. You can plant it in your yard or ask permission to plant on public land such as your local park. Watching the trees grow year by year can be a happy reminder of a past celebration and link to celebrations to come.
So now the tree has served two purposes . To be enjoyed in December and to be given a permanent home at another time. Think about the positive effect on our environment if thousands of people did this! Plus for each tree that is purchased and planted it is one less tree that is discarded because it did not sell.
Always important: Think about where you may want to place the tree when you plant it. Will it thrive? Select a type that will.
Check the label to be sure that your tree is not a "tropical" version of an evergreen, meant only to be grown indoors, unless you live in the tropics!
Can you make planting HOPE part of your December traditions?
Is there a connection between the explosion of Cruise Ship Industry and Beach Closures due to CONTAMINATION?????????
Enviromental Policies allow Cruise Ships to discharge treated or "Grey Water" to be discharged from the ship into the ocean READY for THIS???? 3.5 miles from shore.
Now really ready for this???? After the 3.5 mile distance ships are allowed to dump UNTREATED?RAW WASTE into the ocean.
Now keep in mind that ocean water usually forms waves that flow inward toward the land.
Why is this a possible issue? Have you seen the newest Cruise Ships? The trend is a floating theme park with up to 6.,500 (six thousand five hundred!!!) passengers PLUS a crew of hundreds.
And this is not just one ship...there are hundreds. Many of the ships depart from ports in the New York City area and Florida. The same places beaches are being closed due to high bacteria including e.coli counts.
Left over food/edible garbage may also be dumped. It would seem that this would draw both prey and predictors closer and closer to the shore for a free meal. The closer these ocean dwellers get to shore the more danger swimmers are exposed to.
Something to think about.....Happy Cruising!
So, what can you do??????? Now that you are aware of the issue, as possible take the time and make the effort to connect with Government Officials and question this practice , seek legal changes that protect our oceans.
Thank You
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