Welcome. GET INVOLVED. This site is sponsored by Afforestation Corporation, a Not-for-Profit organization head quartered in Rochester, N.Y .The aim of the organization is dissemination of Climate Crisis Educational information that can be easily understood by everyone. It is a place to learn about environmental concerns and to develop an understanding the jargon being used related to environmental issues. The site also includes information that you can use to combat Climate Issues
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The gift that just keeps giving. Plastic. Think about the Holiday Season. However you select to view "The Holiday Season" , there should be view we ALL have in common. That is THE SEASON WHEN NEEDLESS WASTE of NATURAL RESOURCES is promoted at a fever pitch. The use of a natural Christmas Tree pales in comparison to the promotion of trinket gift giving and disposable decorations. Many years ago Holiday decorations were treasured items carefully stored and reused year after year after year. The Discount Store mentality of today trends towards the use of cheaply made mainly plastic and sadly disposable items. Plentiful and cheap. Not only do these items damage the Earth during production but they stick around for a very long time after being tossed out continuing to do damage. There was also a time long ago when people seemed Happy to receive a few gifts and focused on what the Holidays meant to them. Not Black Friday buying frenzy or pushing products on the public. Grandma's Corn Husk Doll doesn't look so bad now does it? No, the doll didn't have its own car or beach house but at least it did not contribute to the ongoing Climate Crisis.
Have you noticed an enormous jump in the price of the humble potato?
In 1930 Potatoes cast 18 Cents for 10 pounds, in 1970 the cost was 9 cents a pound. Currently they cost from $2 a pound and up. Think about that $6 or more for just 3 pounds of potatoes, which is not a lot of potatoes. OK , yes many people are earning more money in 2023. So the bottom line theory does apply, but we should still be very concerned . The price increases coincide somewhat with the time frames during which Scientists were trying to tell us that Human activity was beginning to have a negative effect on the health of our planet. According to NASA, the Earth is heating up. Human related climate change has could rising sea levels, record breaking heat waves, intense drought, and erratic shifts in weather patterns. Now back to the potato. Plants, unlike humans are not warm blooded. They depend on stable conditions in order to grow and to so that they can be used for food. For example, the potato is usually planted 4-6 weeks after the last Spring frost and requires a steady ground temp of 40 degrees F at least. Then depending on the variety 75-136 cool frost free days are needed for the plants to grow to maturity. They must be harvested before the ave. daily temp reaches 80 degrees F. They do not thrive in extreme heat or dry soil, nor can they grow in compacted or overly wet ground. They need full sun
Fortunately there are Scientists looking into the Potato Problem. In 2017 an article published in Michigan State's FUTURES magazine notes that the AgBio Research Dept. is working on the development of a potato that can thrive in the changing growing conditions. The article (which can be viewed online) notes that it can take 10-15 years to accomplish this. WOW! Cheers for looking ahead. The article states that by the year 2050 the world population may exceed 9 BILLION people. A high percent of use depend on the potato in one way or another as a basic food source.
The event was as the name indicates. In this case the inability to grow a food staple was cause by plant disease rather than Climate change...but looking beyond the cause to the results.
Millions of people died from lack of food both in Ireland and around the world. 1847 is considered the worse year in Ireland as over 1 million people starved and another million fled the country. Between 1845-1855 at least 2.1 million people fled Ireland to prevent starvation.
Food shortages create desperation which leads to great unrest and Social/Political revolution and upheaval. The Social stability we enjoy and take for granted is shattered.
The distress is actual and unavoidable.
Keep in mind Pledges and Resolutions that you may have made for 2023 Arbor Day and Earth Day. Keep them. Our food future is fragile and depends on you for support.
This is an easy one......YES! And on a variety of levels. Start with the basics.
Materials: Part 1: Only natural material decompose. Natural such as wool. cotton. bamboo, linen, leather for example. Now look at what you are wearing. What percent of your outfit is biodegradable? Materials such as polyesters, nylons, manmade shoe material, plastics. Do not bio degrade in a reasonable amount of time. While many break down to some degree on the molecular level they stick around and the particles get into our water ,air and land. Just like so many plastics! Many nylons and polyesters are actually a form of petroleum products. Again..like plastic. That is why you sometimes can feel uncomfortable and sweaty wearing them. Like plastic these materials don't breathe like natural fibers do. Part 2. Production of "artificial fabrics" creates a great deal of pollution. Clothing factories are responsible for extreme level of water. air and land pollution. In this area Natural fabrics can be guilty as charged as well. Pesticides/ fertilizers to increase crop production also finds its way into our environment as does the pollution from the synthetic dyes used to make our bright pretty clothes. The formulas that are used to adhere the color to the fabric and prevent fading are frequently toxic. Fabric dyes can be made from natural sources BUT tend to be less vibrant, more expensive and there is less of a choice of colors. To add to the disposable mentality of modern dressing. This is a BIG money maker for cooperations and manufactures. It is VERY rare to find shoes that can have the soles replaced, a once common practice. Now we thrown them into the landfill and buy a new pair. Pants and dresses rarely have enough fabric to have the hems let down to make garments longer if needed....Jusy buy a new one! Money out of your pocket and into someone else's!
NEXT and this is a BIG ONE: Ther majority of people likely own far more clothing than they need. Have you ever seen a TV program where a "celebrity" and host are over the moon about the closet with over 200 pair of sneakers? For one person? REALLY????? This life style serves as a Role Model for many. Think about it ...how much do you really need? When did it stop being OK to wear something more than once? Unfortunately many garments are now disposable items. Cheaply made, toss away pieces filling up land fills and creating pollution in the process. Is it worth it in the long run? * Keep in mind, the garment industry is a multi million dollar industry. So what would you think comes first? Enviromental safety OR MAKING A PROFIT?? Why else are we being urged to make purchases that we really don't need but are told we want? Social conformity has made us easy pickings in this area. This just in and a fine example....Not mentioning names....However a certain Movie production Company, with a new very hyped movie streaming, has OPENED UP AN ONLINE STOREFRONT to enable people to purchase clothing similar to the style of the movie...Do ya really need that.???? In order to produce and distribute this trend that will likely disposable and off trend in a short time there will be significant negative environmental impact. Think about the use of raw materials, energy used in manufacturing and transportation, pollution cause during production and transportation, and when the trend ends and the garments go into the landfill.....the non bio degradable particles that will be with us far longer than any "new" style. So will the pollution that was generated by the garment production. Sadly this is only one small example of Profit VS What is Good for our Planet. As the song goes....IT's All About the Benjamins (Puff Daddy /Missy Elliot 1997) If a fleeting trend worth it. Multiply that time the thousands of fleeting trends that roll out each year and ask yourself........
Dressing Children: Yes it is OK for them to wear clothing that they will grow into. Think 2-3 Winters in the same Coat. Hand me downs, also OK. Having "Play clothes" is a great way to keep their little wardrobes under control. Save wear and tear on the good clothes. Clothing exchanges with family/friends/neighbors is a great way to scale back and reuse clothing that has been out grown. Honestly if the peer group makes negative remarks about such practiced. Maybe it is time for a new peer group!
Your clothing does not make you who you are NO MATTER what the advertisement says. Try and think first about how your wardrobe is hurting out planet and look at the small steps you can take to reduce your clothing footprint.
Now about the Barn Coat in the photo: This was purchased in the late 1980s. Yes it was much darker blue and not quite as frayed at the edges. However year after year it is worn for outdoor work, working in the woods, hiking, and even trips to the store......the owner uses it to keep warm since it is profoundly practical. As a person they know themselves and don't need artifice to prove anything. What about you?
A GREAT and FRIGHTENING SHOW: FAST FASHION: The Dumping Ground for Unwanted Clothes
BBC production. Try Netflix
If you have ever heard of a farm silo explosion, you will get what is going on with in the first few minutes of this program. If not....well you will learn how the very very distant past in coming back to haunt us. This is MUST SEE TV. Not overly published but a HUGE problem that is being created by Global Warming is the melting of the Northern Permafrost.
Definition Permafrost: Any Ground that remains at 32 degrees F (zero Celsius) for at least two years. straight. 1/4 of the Northern Hemisphere has a permafrost. Permafrost can be covered by a non permafrost layer of ground and is not necessarily covered with snow. The composition is usually soil, rock and sand held together by ice.
So why is that a problem? The organic material trapped in the permafrost layer has been frozen and stable for a long time. However along with the rest of the planet it is warming up and melting and the material trapped in it is now subject to decay. When organic matter decays Methane gas can be a by product. This is unstable and explosive. And the more that the Permafrost melts the warmer and more unstable the ground becomes. Land that people have live on for thousands of years is now becoming increasingly uninhabitable. The land is beginning to sink and increased numbers of Methane Pools are beginning to occur. Explosive gas is seeping up from the ground.
According to the documentary the amount of Methane Gas, which is a Greenhouse gas trapped in the polar permafrost is equal to the amount that is already in our environment. So the potential for double the amount of environmental methane exists. This then increases the potential for the Earth to become warmer and warmer. Watch the show.........this should get you thinking about what steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint . If we all do something the problem may at least slow down
Remember that Tabloid headline from the early 2000s.......Well it is true , up to 8 giant craters have been found in the northern area of Russia and now there is some similar activity in Alaska.
UFOs no...Methane gas explosions from deep with in the Earth.
Another possible problematic side effect: Organic matter trapped in permafrost does not decay. However the possibility of organisms such as viruses and bacteria that may be a threat to people and animals regenerating as the permafrost they are trapped in thaws is a real threat. Scientists have found microbes 400,000 years old in permafrost. Yikes!
The sinkholes must be seen to be believed. Tune in. The program is apx. an hour long. Very frightening and under discussed issue going on up north.
A recent online news article stated that in Floridia, a pregnant woman was shot dead while sleeping in her car, with her children. The family was in the car because their home was unlivable due to flooding. Online article also have begun to site episodes of violence, looting, financial exploitation and many other human behaviors that harm others. Hurricane Katrina: Did you forget the reports of acts of violence committed against people who had been displaced because their homes were flooded. In human history wars have been raged due to famine, drought, and displacement due to Natural Disasters. It has been said that the veneer of civilization is thin. As long as our basic needs are met things pretty much just go along. But when we see the news of the changing of human behavior when things are not going well shouldn't we stop and think about the reality of the end of a relatively organized and safe world? Think of the Mad Max movies and all the other "fictional" accounts of a world where the planet has few resources left.
Maybe not so fictional after all. Climate problems caused by Global warming have a negative effect on not just our physical health but just as important on our mental well being as well.
Please review some suggestion on the site for ways you can help.
Really think about this concept. How safe are you really? What will happen to you as food and clean water supplies continue t diminish, and inhabitable land becomes flooded?
Rember it is all fun and games until the food run out.
In Loving and Sincere thoughts of concern for those effected by Climate issues.
Why all the fuss about the Ocean Level rising due to Climate Crisis related problems. What IS the big deal? With the greatest respect for all of the people in Floridia who had loss and suffering due to FLOODING caused by Hurricane Ian.
Take a look at the photos and videos. This is what the future will look like for many Coastal areas. It will and is just occurring more slowly.. Does all the concern make sense to you now? LOOK BELOW (READ AT LEAST ONE OF THESE) FOR BOOKS THAT ADDRESS WHAY JUST HAPPENED IN FLORIDA THIS IS WHAT A RISING OCEAN LEVEL LOOKS LIKE IN CASE YOU WONDERED!
A lot of the information concerning Global Warming is written using terms of measurement such as centimeters, meters,kilometers and temperatures reported in a way that most Americans are not familiar with. While there is nothing wrong with the Metric system, it never really caught on in the U.S,A. Unfortunately to use the information that is published, it must be understood. Lack of clear understanding can cause people to underestimate the serious challenges our Earth is facing and may prevent people from thinking about and making Climate friendly proactive lifestyle changes.
About temperature. The high water benchmark for disastrous climate events is usually reported as 1.5 C degrees. So does that mean that a hot summer day will be 91.5 instead of 90 in the shade? No.
First it means that the temperature of the Earth will increase overall each and every day. Next and this is big......the 1.5 C degrees that is reported is not the same 1.5 F degrees that most Americans read on their thermometers. It is a different system of temperature measurement and one frequently used by Scientists.
A basic translation is 1.5 C degrees as reported scientifically translates to 2.7 degrees on an "American" thermometer. If you take the liberty of rounding up it is 3 degrees which is double the reported 1.5 C
Now, think about a Winter Day. 32 F degrees is freezing and water turn to ice. Bump that up to 34.7 F and now that ice is melting and returning to liquid form.
This can cause polar ice to melt and glaciers to recede. When this happens....the ocean levels rise. An online report indicates that it is believed that the ocean water level has risen about 8 inches (20 centimeters) in the last century. So does that mean you now just have to move your beach blanket up a few inches . Probably yes, however there are far more serious and wide reaching problems associated with this rise in the sea level.***********RECOMMENDATION******Grab some popcorn and watch the documentary film RISING TIDES . This documentary presents facts in an easy to understand fashion that make the Climate Crisis a frightening reality. If a movie genre called climate horror stories exists , well that is where Rising Tides belongs. Watch it and see. Relatable information is an important step towards motivating people begin to consider what lifestyle changes they can make to ward off a world wide disaster.
Small changes lead to BIG changes: For example: Would you be willing to take this challenge? Air dry your laundry once or twice a month instead of using your dryer. Air drying is better for your clothing , the environment and your electric bill. Then really challenge yourself and gradually start to increase the times you air dry and decrease the use of the dryer. Start small......for big changes.
Books that support information related to Climate Crisis and how humans are creating big problems. The next time you see a group of high-rise buildings along the shore you should be asking the following question. HOW IS PUTTING THESE BUILDINGS HERE EVEN REMOTELY A GOOD IDEA ? In addition to your local library, these books be found online through sites such as, Amazon.com . Some may be purchase as e-books , some as printed books to add to your bookshelf. And some titles both! READING is EDUCATION. Learn what is really going on around you. The more you know the more you will be aware of the importance of taking action. ASAP.
It is important that the tree/plant is put into an environment and planting zone that is suitable for it. The type of plant growing in an area gives a clue about the area that it is growing in. For example," Skunk: cabbage and Pitcher Plants grow in wet areas. Most Willow trees also like wet areas. Even if the area is having a temporary dry period the plants tell the tale. Cactus and succulents prefer not so wet areas. And "where Pines are found there are rocks in the ground" (Old New England quote) As with most things some plants are more area specific than others. Some Maples prefer shaded area. And so on. Please be kind when planting and plant where items that will flourish. In addition, as noted in the following section some types of plants boarder on territorial it seems and will knock out growth around them. Almost a cross over to animal behavior it seems! Please do the research before you plant...both you and your plant will be happier.
The term littoral is frequently used when information is describing problems related to rising water levels due to Global warming. The term littoral zone may be used to describe an area.
For example, rising sea levels are causing diminishing littoral zones.
So what does that mean to you? The term Littoral refers to the shore of a body of water . The area that many people may refer to as the beach. Unfortunately the higher the water rises, the smaller the Littoral (or beach) area becomes. In some cases it may go away entirely leaving no beach. If a littoral zone is destroyed, no more fun in the sun at the beach! The beach is gone. In addition the water will continue to advance toward the land causing increased land erosion and flooding. As a result significant destruction of property natural and manmade, will occur. Please see photo for example of LITTORAL area.
Almost all Americans are familiar with PLASTIC, but what do we really know about it? And how does Plastic effects the environment? First, PLASTIC is a PETROLUM PRODUCT. What is a PETROLEUM PRODUCT? it is something made from crude oil. That is correct, the same oil used to make gasoline. Remember the Earth does not have an endless supply of this resource, so shouldn't it be used wisely? Less that 1/2 of each barrel of CRUDE OIL is made into gasoline, about 19 gallons out of a 42-gallon barrel of crude oil is converted to gasoline. Some is made into other necessary fuels such as Deisel or fuel for airplanes. The rest is used in a variety of products.... but in this section PLASTIC is the topic. In addition to Crude oil Plastic contains harmful and persistent chemicals called POLYMERS. What does that mean? POLY (which means many) chemical are mixed with Crude Oil depending on what type of plastic is being made. Harmful is self-explanatory. What is a PERSISTENT CHEMICAL? it is a substance that over time will break down into smaller and smaller particles BUT will not go away. When you see the terms like PCBs and PBTs that is what is being discussed. Now the danger of plastic should make more sense. For example, if a plastic cup is tossed into a lake, over a long period of time the plastic material will separate into smaller and smaller particles, but these particles will remain in the water. The Crude oil and Polymers that make up plastic are absorbed into the systems of living things such as plants, aquatic life and people who are exposed to the water that the plastic cup was tossed into. Please go to next section for some ideas for alternatives.
It would not likely be possible to take all of all plastic out of your lifestyle, but you can think about cutting back. One important contribution you can make it to THINK before you buy. Our economy runs on supply and demand, if there is no or little demand for a product it may be produced in smaller quantities or maybe not at all. Yes, some plastics are recycled however, recycling plants are sources of other types of pollution. Starting in the kitchen. Food storage: use REUSABLE STORAGE CONTAINERS, also, do the non-upscale thing and reuse those yogurt and cottage cheese containers instead of the new stylish plastic disposable ones. So, you look like someone's Grandmother. Believe it she knew what she was doing. It is also a non-upscale move to reuse glass jars that food is purchased in... just be sure and remove the label to avoid confusion! For the very brave learn how to wrap a sandwich in wax paper. This is a lost art, but the paper is biodegradable, this means it can be reabsorbed safely by the environment. No more plastic utensils in your lunch box, bring your what you use at home. Use a thermos or reusable bottle for your liquids. By doing this you can purchase a one large container of a beverage instead a small plastic one every day. Get a lunch box to carry your food in. Something you can use every day instead of a plastic bag that you throw away daily. You get the point. Plastic is easy but not always necessary. ALWAYS THINK BEFORE YOU BUY...DO YOU REALLY NEED IT OR JUST WANT IT? Our environment depends on how you answer that question.
A WONDERFUL PROJECT TO TRY. If you celebrate Easter, this year why not try this. Instead of buying plastic Easter Basket Filler Grass, which ends up in landfills or being eaten by your pet, grow a REAL GRASS EASTER BASKET. 1. Fill a shallow container like a glass pie dish with dirt. 2. This the important part, purchase enough ANNUAL RYE GRASS SEED to cover the dirt. Each seed is almost the size of a small grain of rice. ANNUAL RYE GRASS SEED seems to be the best seed for this project. It germinates (sprouts) quickly and has a thick blade for a lush look. It can usually be purchased at a real garden center not so much a big box store. 3. Cover the dirt with a layer of seeds and pat down into the dirt. and add enough water to wet. In a week or so you will have a living Easter Basket. Just keep it watered, but not soaked. Start this project about 3-4 weeks before Easter. After Easter the contents can be used for compost, The grass that is not the goodies!
A beautiful idea taught by Christopher Leon Panciera
***********Easter 2022 has passed; however, this will remain posted because the IDEA is easily adaptable for other uses such as Environmentally Friendly Centerpieces that can be embellished and decorated for other occasions. Use your IMAGINATION
Quote: Invasive Plants : an environmental apocalypse.
Chapter 8, Useless Arithmetic by O.Pilkey &L.Pilkey-Jarvis
Quote: The Amazon Rainforest are the lungs of the Earth (original source unknown) Approximately 3,417,541 square miles of green.
Definitions: Invasive Plant- plant that spreads prolifically and with undesirable or harmful results. Carbon Dioxide: A colorless/odorless gas produced by burning organic (pertaining to plants animals and now includes all other forms of Carbon) compounds and by respiration of living things. What is CARBON: a widespread element which combines with other compounds to form a variety of things. In a pure state it is a diamond! In its impure state it can be a fuel such as charcoal or other fossile fuels. Life on Earth is considered Carbon based. OK, that is the basic on that topic.
Green House Effect :One cause of global warming, when heat from the sun is trapped in the lower atmosphere of the Earth. Can be caused by Greenhouse gasses such as Cardon Dioxide. Deforestation: Clearing wide areas of trees/plants Afforestation: Planting trees/plants in an area where plant life cover does not exist. Photosynthesis: Green plants and other living things use sunlight to make food for themselves from CARBON DIOXIDE and water. A by product of this process is OXYGEN. The introduction of Invasive plants can lead to the destruction of a functioning ecosystem. Trees for example. A stunning fact is that deforestation is now considered to be a factor that contributed to the collapse of at least the following Ancient Civilizations. Naturally, not the only factor, but significantly important all the same. Africa: The Meroe (East Coast of the Nile) highly developed however deforestation rendered the land useless. Easter Island: ((South-east Pacific Island) ,the people cut down all of the trees and did not leave enough saplings for afforestation. Anasazi:(Southwest North America) deforestation rendered the land useless, Maya: (Southeast Mexico ,Northern Central America) drought caused by deforestation based soil erosion. Again rendering the land useless. We should take heed of the importance of plants/trees and protect them from being over run by Invasive Species. The following section will discuss WILD GRAPES. Interestingly the NYS DEC does not include this vine on the Invasive Species List. So, as the saying goes, it is flying under the radar, causing widespread damage. Following information about this plant are photos that were taken in Monroe and Wayne County . These are not specifically noted as areas where the Wild Grape is a Native Plant.
Today, this plant is not considered as an Invasive Species because it if actually Native to North America. But where in North America? Literature states Pennsylvania and the Hudson Valley. So does it become INVASIVE once the plant spreads from its natural area? Would it be a good idea to consider it as invasive as it spreads out of its home territory ? Most likely not an unreasonable action to take. Most people have seen this vine growing on roadsides and vacant lots but are not aware of the damage it has the capacity to do to the local ecosystem.
First: Don't eat the grapes.
About the plant and why it is a problem: The wild grape vine is a notorious killer of trees. The vine can grow up to 2-3 feet a year . It grows higher/faster and much thicker or heavier than cultivated grape vines. This plant needs sun to survive and will use tendrils to cling to trees to reach the sunlight. The weigh of the vine topples trees and to support its rapid growth and size will take water and nutrients from the soil that the surrounding trees need to survive. Some varieties of birds eat the grapes and spread the seeds. Shockingly, the seed can remain dormant in the soil for years until the conditions for germination occur.
One reason is LACK of EDUCATION and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that this plant is a problem. Not knowing what the plant climbing up your tree is until it is too late and it has taken over is the result. This is a plant that needs sunlight. Increased deforestation for the purpose of housing developments, shopping malls, and new roadways create the conditions needed for a dormant seed to sprout. The leaves of this vine blend well with trees so the plant may go unnoticed until it has grown large enough to destroy a tree. Now that you know look around. You will see them. The Wild Grape base root is robust and can send out vines that are many yards long. These do damage to trees as they grow and spread. The vines are easier to see when the leaves are off of trees, they can look like large snakes hanging from the branches. What can you do? Be on the lookout and cut the vines before they can take hold. Cut vines that are growing on trees so they will not be fed from the root and will die. If you can dig the root out do this. Look online for a variety of non-toxic ways to kill the root , such as salt and vinegar. Chemical herbicides also work. Call a professional. You can also contact your local Forestry Department and request that monitoring and controlling these vines is added as a routine maintenance task. The following photos were taken in Wayne County and Monroe County NY. Where there is a photo of what looks like a log on the ground it is part of a vine root. For additional photos of the damage cause by this vine look online. If you have this plant on your property you may want to control it. The photo attached to this page is an example of a large vine growing up a tree. Yes, that is a Wild Grape Vine.
DEFINITIONS: WEATHER: This term means the state of the atmosphere in a location at any given time. Weather refers to short term or conditions that can change rapidly and can be different in locations that may be close to each other. It can snow on one side of a city and not the other for example. So what is the atmosphere?
ATMOSPHERE: The layer of gases surrounding the Earth. The Earth's gravity holds them in place. How many Layers? Six (In Basic Terms)
1. Exosphere: Top layer closest to space (prefix Exo=outside)
2.Ionosphere: Overlaps the Exo,Thermo,Meso spheres. Gases in this layer are effected by radiation from the sun to form (Prefix)= IONS ( atoms or particles that are electrically charged) Alot goes on here! Southern/Northern lights are formed. This layer is effected by the magnetic fields of both Earth and Sun.
3.Thermosphere:Warmest layer, can reach up to 4,500degrees F, ( Prefix Thermo=hot/heat)
4..Mesosphere: Middle layer. (Prefix Meso=middle)
5. Stratosphere: More familiar term, this is where jets fly and this layer contains OZONE, a substance which protects the Earth from the harmful rays from the Sun.( Prefix Strata means layers.).The gasses in this area do not mix. Colder,heavier on bottom, warmer lighter on top.
6. Troposphere: First layer above the Earth. WEATHER occurs in this layer one reason is that the gasses do mix up. This is where rainy, snowy, stormy and, clear beautiful days are made. (Prefix Tropo=to turn, turning)
DEFINITIONS: CLIMATE: The AVERAGE of WEATHER PATTERNS in a location over a period of time. Usually about 30 years of weather that is not characteristic for of an area can bring about Climate change. The atypical weather can be natural or induced by human behavior. The CLIMATE is the atmospheric conditions you should be able to expect at a location. Florida, The Sunshine State, for example is warm in December.
In Short: The differences are TIME and the SIZE of area effected. Weather can change by the hour, Climate changes over years, based on average weather patterns. Weather occurs in smaller areas , for example towns that are 10 miles apart. Climate encompasses large areas, for example North and South America.
Years of changes in DAILY WEATHER is leading to overall CLIMATE CHANGE . Think back to what your where you live felt like about 30 years ago? Do you see changes. Unfortunately for many of us the answer is yes.(Unfortunately)
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